Digital Learning Standards Forum: Meeting #2 update

This is a brief summary of what was a rich and constructive meeting. It was our second working session as a Forum, matching the first in energy, constructive debate and available expertise. There were many new faces with fresh contributions which complemented and built on our first session and the work in between. This bodes… Continue reading Digital Learning Standards Forum: Meeting #2 update

ChatGPT makes me feel predictable and ordinary. Maybe that’s the point?

My fingers hesitate over the keyboard in drafting this. Does the world need another lukewarm take on Chat GPT? Obviously not. And yet…here I am…adding to the well of, erm, wisdom. There is something that made me wonder about the uncanny feeling of reading the output of the tool. Particularly about that first moment of… Continue reading ChatGPT makes me feel predictable and ordinary. Maybe that’s the point?

“Simple, clear and open” – shaping the Digital Learning Standards Forum

In the spirit of openness, this post shares contributions from those who have signed up for the Digital Learning Standards Forum so far. It summarises where interest is gathering (our hopes and fears, if you like). It, therefore, also outlines where our efforts will focus in pursuit of simple, clear and open approaches – defining… Continue reading “Simple, clear and open” – shaping the Digital Learning Standards Forum

What do we mean by learning? Whatever…

This post is an extract from my regular newsletter. You can sign up for it here. Language matters. But that much? The last issue briefly mentioned that I have spent some time over the last few weeks attempting to convene a conversation about developing standards for digital learning. This has required what, I believe, is… Continue reading What do we mean by learning? Whatever…

Measures, interoperability and everything else – the L&D standards debate takes shape

Line up your rulers

So, what has been learned since posting the initial article raising the idea of developing practical standards for digital learning? It was immediately clear that the words ‘digital learning’ are unhelpful in the context of developing standards for the work we do. Digital as a noun is probably innocent enough on its own, but the… Continue reading Measures, interoperability and everything else – the L&D standards debate takes shape