Digital Learning Standards Forum: Meeting #2 update

This is a brief summary of what was a rich and constructive meeting. It was our second working session as a Forum, matching the first in energy, constructive debate and available expertise. There were many new faces with fresh contributions which complemented and built on our first session and the work in between. This bodes… Continue reading Digital Learning Standards Forum: Meeting #2 update

Six years in and what do I know?

The Reader by Odilon Redon by National Gallery of Art is licensed under CC-CC0 1.0

By an accident of timing, the anniversary of starting my consulting business coincides with the tax year. Early April tends to inspire a little self reflection. Last year, these were the thoughts brought to mind. This past year has been spent mostly on helping organisations consider how and if to go about digital learning initiatives.… Continue reading Six years in and what do I know?

Boom times for elearning

I was struck by this extensive summary of market data about the growth of learning technologies. Pretty much every indicator is showing significant growth across education and corporate learning segments. Close to two years in on our COVID experience, this is not much of a surprise, I suppose. It has taken the forced closure of… Continue reading Boom times for elearning

10L: Carl Crisostomo

About Carl: “A few years ago, I had a “lightbulb” moment. I saw first-hand the impact that learning had on someone’s life. This sparked my curiosity in the science of learning and helped me re-evaluate my career. I started Carl Learns to help L&D teams, Instructional Designers and online course creators be more effective by… Continue reading 10L: Carl Crisostomo

We’re all digital now, yes?

So, one is visiting Learning Live over the coming two days. What is always an energising and interesting event will be layered with additional anticipation as we proceed through our COVID world. Being in the same space with that many people will be interesting in itself. I think we are all hoping for more than… Continue reading We’re all digital now, yes?

Virtual or real talent? Does it matter?

When I referenced this story (in last week’s newsletter) about Warner Music signing a virtual pop artist in China I did not expect a connection to EY to crop up. What might a software generated pop star have to do with a professional services firm? The record label exec, in the first story, does a… Continue reading Virtual or real talent? Does it matter?

10L: Hannah Gore

About Hannah: After over 20 years in learning and development, Dr Hannah Gore undertakes freelance consultancy in a wide range of L&D specialisms, is an Associate Lecturer teaching at MBA level,  serves as a Director for the eLearning Network, an Online Executive Panel Member for McKinsey and inputs into various think tanks on emerging technologies… Continue reading 10L: Hannah Gore

10L: Joan Keevill

10L: A few simple questions about how leading professionals see their work. About Joan: Joan Keevill runs Designs on Learning, a small consultancy she set up in 2008 and is also currently Chair of the not-for-profit eLearning Network. Joan feels strongly that learning should be engaging but also linked to performance, ideally through managers asking the… Continue reading 10L: Joan Keevill